News - Loughshore Playgroup
2019/2020 School Year
16th Jun 2020
A big thank you to all involved in organising and delivering the pizza and treats...
16th Jun 2020
Dear Parents,
Libraries NI is delighted to announce details of ‘ Silly Squad’,...
1st May 2020
Have a look at the wonderful pieces of artwork created this week by Laoise, Ailbhe...
22nd Apr 2020
Just to let you all know.
Given the uncertainty of the current situation. Education...
8th Apr 2020
A big thanks to the Rafferty girls who are looking after the wormery for us. Dad...
18th Mar 2020
It was announced earlier today that all schools, playgroups etc will close from...
11th Mar 2020
What a prize! Pictured are some of the pupils from the Loughshore Playgoup and St...
St Mary's Primary School, 84 Maghery Road Dungannon County Tyrone BT71 6PA 028 38 85 1778