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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

The Beginning of Maths Week!

16th Oct 2023

There was great excitement in Primary 6/7 today as we kicked off Maths Week 2023 with many exciting activities!

We began Maths Week by revising our understanding of measurements: estimating lengths and measuring lengths. The Primary 6/7 children had great fun estimating lenghts of things in our classroom and then measuring them using metres and centimetres.

The children then used their work on Place Value and Number Operations to solve puzzles in a maths game with their partners!

We rounded off the day by learning how to solve Sudoku Puzzles using 4x4 squares. The children are excited to develop their problem solving skills to hopefully be able to solve 9x9 puzzles by the end of Maths Week!

A fun and exciting start to Maths Week so far!