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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Grandparents Day 2018

8th Feb 2019

We had a fantastic day celebrating our Grandparents today.  We began the day with a beautiful mass from Fr. Garrett Campbell.  This mass was attended by numerous members of the community and both children and grandparents helped to deliver the mass.  A word of thanks must go to Mrs O' Keefe who prepared the children for the beautiful singing. 

After Mass we then invited our Grandparents of the children from Primary 1-3 to attend a special morning in the school.  The morning began with the children interviewing their grandparents, followed by some crafts together, then a shared snack time and we ended with a few songs.  

We as a school really appreciated the support of both our parents and grandparents and were delighted to facilitate this morning to spend some quality time with their grandchildren.