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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Eco Committee / School Council

10th May 2024

Our Eco/School Council children have been very busy over the last few week getting our garden ready for the summer.  Our mini beast hotel is fully refurbished, our strawberry plants or growing incredibly well and already have blossom.  We have seen quite a few bees visit our polytunnel this week. Our pollination garden, hopefully will start to produce new shoots in the incoming week.  We planted our lovely herbs, parsley, coriander and Sage.  Also the lettuce and Leeks have been planted into the vegetable patch. The creeper flowers are beginning to grow really well and hopefully we will get to see them in full bloom before we leave school in June.  The children are continuing to feed the worms every day and our Litter Monitors have the school immaculate.  Well done boys and girls you are doing a fantastic job.