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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

'Cash for Clobber' Appeal

5th Apr 2017

The Eco Club promoted the Cash for Clobber event excellently, sending out an informative letter to parents, speaking at our school assembly and creating posters which were displayed all around the school.  Thanks to all the parents who raided the wardrobes in a bid to donate the many bulging black bags to the school.  We appreciate your continued support.  The school collected a staggering 440KG for which we raised £180! The Eco Committee are gathering suggestions from all the classes on how this moneycould best benefit the school. So get those thinking caps on kids! Congratulations to Mrs Copeland's P3/4 class who had the highest average donations and were rewarded with a party. Well done everyone on another very successful Cash for Clobber initiative in St. Mary's!