2016/2017 School Year
31st May 2017
Today the 31st May we had a visitor to our school. Farmer Frank came in with...
31st May 2017
The whole school recently held a STEM morning on Thursday 25th May, which...
31st May 2017
The whole school recently held a STEM morning, which all classes took part in fun...
25th May 2017
The children had great fun today completing their experiments. They had to...
22nd May 2017
Today the children officially launched our new school website. We began the...
22nd May 2017
As well as our more experienced footballers many of our young players,...
19th May 2017
The Eco Committee are presently updating their 'Eco Board' with information and...
19th May 2017
Thank you to Pearse Fox who made this wonderful bird table for the school grounds. Look...
19th May 2017
Well done to all our P5/6/7 representatives who took part in the Small School's...
19th May 2017
P1/2 children all enjoyed planting our sunflower seeds in soil and watering...
St Mary's Primary School, 84 Maghery Road Dungannon County Tyrone BT71 6PA 028 38 85 1778