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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Week Beginning 01-10-2018

3rd Oct 2018

I took Adventure Ted home
I took Adventure Ted home
exploring the pegs
exploring the pegs
Tending to or vegetables for the shop.
Tending to or vegetables for the shop.
My autumn tree
My autumn tree
following instructions
following instructions
Exploring the autumn resources
Exploring the autumn resources
Taking a closer look!
Taking a closer look!
Working together
Working together
Making autumn soup
Making autumn soup
Painting with natural materials
Painting with natural materials
Leaf printing
Leaf printing
Our fruit and vegetable shop
Our fruit and vegetable shop
using natural resources in the playdough
using natural resources in the playdough
Using the peg boards
Using the peg boards
Meet the shopkeeper.
Meet the shopkeeper.
learning our letters
learning our letters
I made my name
I made my name
Look what we built together.
Look what we built together.